about us

DNA is a modern day guild comprised of industry leading “Avengers” orchestrated to elevate the built environment.

Based upon the unique needs of each project, our specialized teams create developing user-friendly and functional designs into places which are iconic, successful and alive.

We offer design, architecture and planning services for both simple and challenging opportunities, with a focus on the creation and strengthening of communities.

Human beings have an innate inner drive to be autonomous, self-determined, and connected to one another.

OUR Goals
We value relationships greatly as we serve our clients and communities. Each project has the potential to transform the economic and social landscape of neighborhoods, cities and regions.
Anton Dublin

Create a built environment which enhances the social, cultural, and economical needs of the community.


Meet the goals of our clients: on-time and on-budget.

Citrea Apartments

Achieve a functional, thoughtful, and conscious design solution.

Main Street Cupertino Lofts

Build lasting and cooperative relationships with the project team.


As we strive to fulfill each project’s potential for beauty and impact, we are committed to creating environments which are timeless, sustainable, and smart.

DNA works with our clients to understand their goals and vision for their project. We subsequently implement our SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis, including code analysis and site visits. With our data, we begin creating a series of ideas, including yield studies and “blue-sky” ideation.

While efficiently obtaining jurisdiction approvals, we keep our Client goals paramount. Cost control and scheduling are tightly coordinated with design and production.

Team coordination is a hallmark of our culture. A regular rhythm of team meetings are held both virtual and visceral formats to optimize quality and efficiency. We strive to consistently execute our design and production staff to work in collaboration. We acknowledge the reality of construction
We cultivate an ethos of collaboration with the Contractor and Owner. Our role is critical in keeping project goals in line.